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Large Size Projects Paint Brush Kit Add-on

    Large Size Projects Paint Brush Kit Add-on


      Paints, brushes, sponges, and glue to complete your project.

      14 colors in 1 oz containers , and single use brushes, 2 sponges and glue to complete your projects

      Items and Colors include: 

      White, Black, S'mores Brown

      Lemoncello Yellow, Red, Sailor Blue

      Clementine Orange, Passion Punch Pink, Grapple Purple

      Island Blue, Bluesy Goosey, Teal-me-about it Green

      Kiwi Green, and Celtic Green

      1 oz glue

      2 Make up sponges

      1 Set of Single Use Brushes

      Paint Amounts good for Several 18" Door Hanger or a couple smaller projects.
